A Year in Review: 2023-24 EOY Report Available Now

QHDT at European Hyperloop Week 2024.

History has been made in Queen's Hyperloop Design Team's 2023-24 season. The team reflects on this season with hearts teeming with accomplishment and minds embossed with lessons learned. In true Queen's Hyperloop fashion, the team seeks to share their learnings from this monumental year with the world in their 2023-24 End of Year Report.

This report focuses on the technical and strategic fusion that Queen's Hyperloop achieved in the past year. It provides a snapshot of the incredible growth the team accomplished as well as the team's projected trajectory for growth. This report wraps up the 2023-24 season, but rest assured, there are greater and grander plans stirring for the future of Queen's Hyperloop Design Team.

Queen's Hyperloop Design Team